Title: Artaud the Moma.
Series: Columbia Themes in Philosophy, Social Criticism, and the Arts
Price: US$65.00
Author: Derrida, Jacques/Kamuf, Peggy (trans.)
ISBN: 978-0-231-18166-2 Binding: Hardback Paperback    
Pub Date: 201709 Availability: A Illust:
Publisher(Imprint): Columbia U.P.
Description: In 1996 Jacques Derrida gave a lecture at the Museum of Modern Art on Antonin Artaud. Artaud the Moma reveals the challenge that Artaud posed to Derrida?and to art and its institutional history. It is a powerful interjection into the museum halls, a crucial moment in Derrida’s thought, and an insightful reading of a challenging writer and artist.