Title: Electrified Voices: How the Telephone, Phonograph, and Radio Shaped Modern Japan, 1868-1945.
Series: Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University
Price: US$32.00
Author: Yasar, Kerim
ISBN: 978-0-231-18713-8 Binding: Paperback Hardback    
Pub Date: 201810 Availability: A Illust: 10 b&w illus.
Publisher(Imprint): Columbia U.P.
Description: Kerim Yasar traces the origins of the modern soundscape, showing how the revolutionary nature of sound technology and the rise of a new auditory culture played an essential role in the formation of Japanese modernity. Electrified Voices is a far-reaching cultural history of the telegraph, telephone, phonograph, radio, and early sound film in Japan.