Title: Trauma, Taboo, and Truth-Telling: Listening to Silences in Postdictatorship Argentina.
Series: Critical Human Rights
Price: US$21.95
Author: Gates-Madsen, Nancy J.
ISBN: 978-0-299-30764-6 Binding: Paperback Hardback    
Pub Date: 201807 Availability: NYP Illust: 4 b&w illus.
Publisher(Imprint): Z00901(Univ. of Wisconsin Pr.)
Description: Reads between the lines of Argentine cultural texts (fiction, drama, testimonial narrative, telenovela, documentary film) to explore the fundamental role of silence - the unsaid - in the expression of trauma. Nancy J. Gates-Madsen’s careful examination of the interplay between textual and contextual silences illuminates public debate about the meaning of memory in Argentina.