Forthcoming [Art]

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The Fascination of Jewelry: 7000 Yeard of Jewelry Art at the MAKK. English/German ed.
Hesse, Petra & Hoppe, Lena (ed.)/Chadour-Sampson, Beatriz (contrib.)
978-3-89790-722-5 Hardback
Hardback 202501 352 p. 380 illus.
ACC Art Books(Arnoldsche)

Japanese Blacksmithing: Traditional Forging Methods for Knives, Swords, and Tools.
Dick, Rudolf
978-0-7643-6851-6 Hardback
Hardback 202501 160 p. 175 col.
Schiffer Publishing

Marcus & Co.: Three Generations of New York Jewelers. English ed.
Wees, Beth Carver & Smithie, Sheila Barron
978-3-89790-717-1 Hardback
Hardback 202501 304 p. 350 illus.
ACC Art Books(Arnoldsche)

Tibetan Women's Jewelry. English ed.
Levenberg, Lynn
978-3-89790-727-0 Hardback
Hardback 202501 1056 p. 1205 illus.
ACC Art Books(Arnoldsche)

Wiwen Nilsson.
Frigeri, Flavia (ed.)/Pennati, Lorenzo (photo.)
978-88-918410-2-5 Hardback
Hardback 202502 240 p. 180 col. & b/w